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i left my heart in the woods.


I am usually quiet in my posts.  I let the pictures do the talking. I want them to tell the story.


BUT there are some posts from time to time that tug at my heart so tightly that I suddenly find myself scrambling so quickly (too quickly) trying to type out every last detail/smell/sound/memory/emotion that (to me) seem to be pouring out of every single image on my screen. So much! All at once! How can I possibly pick them up fast enough to tell you everything??


Well. I can’t.


But I can tell you this much:


When I close my eyes and imagine my childhood, this is where I am. I am in a tiny little town in the state of Washington. Kingston. I am in the woods!! I am picking berries, making jam.  I am running and climbing and playing in the sun all. day. long. I am too small to keep up with my older boy cousins. But I somehow always do anyway.


My arms and legs are covered in mosquito bites. (I could do without that…package deal i guess.) My clothes smell like campfire. I. am. happy. And this is how it goes summer after summer after summer. And I am already wishing I was back.


Lauren - August 22, 2012 - 9:21 pm

It’s beautiful there! I hope to see it in person someday…but your stunning pictures will suffice for now.

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