Masthead header

all at once.

Autumn. It’s a transition that has become a little bittersweet for me in the last few years. I always see so much passion in those leaves.

Colors that are too rich, too deep, too alive. Clinging to each limb, desperate for their last chance to live. It’s beautiful.

But all too soon time will run out. The leaves will all fall. Their branches will be replaced by a cold and empty blanket. Their color will be gone.  All at once.

Isnt life like that, though? We are spending our days blurred together. Slowly. Easily. And then all at once we are asking ourselves what we do we really want? What is really important? And then suddenly our minds are clear. We are racing there. Arms open, hearts on our sleeves. Eager. Alive. Because all at once time will run out. The color will be gone. But isnt it beautiful while it lasts?

All images taken in Provo Canyon, Ut.


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