is that not the coolest/cutest/hippest/best baby girl name you’ve ever heard? it is, isnt it? i love it. liv has a big sister who adores her! and this one…i just had to. it cracks me up! so cute.
Monthly Archives: May 2011
these next few weeks or so are going to be an exciting time for this girl. (she’s graduating High School! ) prom. grad night. graduation. college. so fun, Addy! Im so excited for you. Enjoy every last moment!!
Do you remember this post from Amelia and John’s engagement session? They had a fun little engagement party a few weeks ago that I was lucky enough to come shoot at. it. was. beautiful. beautiful! my friend, Halleigh is also Amelia and John’s (extremely talented!) wedding coordinator. She designed these custom napkins for the couple, […]
A little while ago, my friend (and fellow photographer!) Heather contacted me for a personal Client Mentoring Session. She is starting her new photography business and when she asked me for some pointers, I was so excited to help her learn and flattered that she asked to learn from me! I thought I’d put together a little styled shoot […]
Rachel is a friend of mine from High School. shes’ now graduating college. So, so, SO crazy how fast time is flying by these days. Congrats, Rachel!!