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2011. in pictures.

(I know…I’m a little late…)

2011. Wow. What a year.

I can honestly say that I really lived this last year.

There was so much happy, sad, hard work, obstacles, triumphs, pain, sweat, tears…you get the idea.

But it was so good. And I am so grateful.

I had the best opportunities with the best clients.

I traveled.

I ran a ragnar. (Las Vegas)

I fell in love with food photography.

I’m grateful that I could have my camera there for it all.

What I saw:

kara rush - January 6, 2012 - 6:35 pm

this is a beautiful recap of the year. I’m so glad i could experience some of it with you!


She is tiny.

She is perfect.

She is brand new.

She is my niece!

I took Boston and Saige’s maternity photos in November…I couldn’t wait to see the little miracle that was tucked away in that belly.

And now she’s here. And I love her.

Lauren - January 5, 2012 - 7:42 pm

so photogenic already! what a doll 🙂


there has been lots of baking. (and eating.)

lots of lights.

lots of hot chocolate.

the usual Christmasy stuff…

and tonight is Christmas Eve!

I hope that somewhere in between Santa and wrapping and good food we can all remember the reason we celebrate.

“For unto us is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.” -Luke 2:11

Merry Christmas!