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ashley + david.

Remember these two? They were married on a lovely day in March in the LDS Newport Beach Temple. The day suited their personalities perfectly–so warm, inviting, carefree…Im a lucky girl to be able to have these guys as clients and friends.

DJ Arrow manned the dance floor (as he does so well!) and I was lucky to have Heather by my side all day as my second shooter. (thank you!)

Ashley and David–thank you again for letting me be a part of your day! I adore you both! And David…I’ll be seeing you for our race this June! : )


(via instagram.)

lately I:

have been loving the days that feel a little more like spring. and hoping for more.

have spent a little time at the beach and the farmer’s market.

have had fun with wedding festivities for lauren…(getting married this friday!)

had the best time ever at the color run. really. if you’re a runner (or even a walker!) find your city. its an easy 5k. and the most fun you’ll have running. ever.

tried bikram yoga…kicked. my. butt. and i love it.

saw my old roommates for one of their weddings. I haven’t seen them in years…but you’d never know it. we just picked back up where we left off. there’s nothing better than that.

Corrie Anne - March 20, 2012 - 9:46 pm

LOVE the one of the child at the piano!

brandi + ryan


Brandi and I worked together at Bare Escentuals for a few years. I adore her. (and Ryan too of course.)

They’re getting married this July, and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of it.

Anonymous - March 4, 2012 - 10:27 am

That post was from me 🙂

Anonymous - March 4, 2012 - 10:26 am

Love all of these photos! Great job Tegyn! I’m so excited for those two!

shiny new badge.

Editors Choice Award
 You guys…! I really don’t like to toot my own horn. At all. But I had to share!
Two Bright Lights sent me a lovely email today letting me know I have been selected as a winner of  the 2012 Two Bright Lights Editors’ Choice Awards!

The award is given in recognition of the those whose number of published features in 2011 placed them among the top 5% of all Two Bright Lights members. Winners were published across many of the most respected lifestyle, wedding and other print and digital publications in the United States and worldwide.

I am honored to be part of this group of talented photographers and creative professionals. My features this past year have enabled me to increase exposure for my work, and I am thrilled to have been recognized for my endeavors.

In 2011, I had the privilege of being published in the following publications:

Love the Day (twice!)
Kellie Larsen - March 1, 2012 - 8:19 pm

You totally deserve that! You go, girl!

Marly - March 1, 2012 - 11:09 am

Congratulations Tegyn!